Certified for all CBP services

Automated Broker Interface (ABI)

TTS Inc. ABI Software allows for direct submission of import entries to U.S. Customs, quickly, cost-effectively, and correctly. Our ABI Software provides increased awareness and visibility over your import processes—from pre-notification through release, entry (ABI) and liquidation. Our system additionally delivers Alerts and Notifications when compliance violations are found notifying the right professionals to help you debug problems at their source in purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, or at your customs brokers. TTS Inc software works by parsing your shipment data for specific content and format, and then submitting it in the correct configuration. This assures acceptance by ABI, and significantly drops the number of rejections and resubmissions you’ll have to deal with. Our ABI software also processes the return data from ABI, turning it into useful information for shipment tracking and compliance monitoring purposes.

Automated Export System (AES)

Our software Electronic Export Information (EEI) is acquired and compiled by the government for official export stats as well as export control to assure that specific goods aren’t being shipped to unwanted countries, organizations or individuals. Our AES was designed to make that filing an easy process while meeting compliance.

Our software is designed to help you create export documentation and perform essential compliance activities, including restricted party screening, license determination, and AES submissions and filings—all with one solution. It’s a robust, automated process that thoroughly enhances your compliance needs and is simple enough for even new users to get started right away.

Ace Cargo/Entry (ACE)

The software will process all data need to process Ace Cargo. Masterfiles are used to minimize input of data. A screen display will show time and date of shipment being released by CPB.
Type of entries:
Consumption,Warehouse withdrawal, TIB, CVD and Anti-dumping and others. Partner Government Agencies Included. Fda(Food and Drug Administration) Ams(Agricultural Marketing Service) This is for request inspection for certain products. Epa(Environmental Protection Agency) Fws(Fish and Wildlife Service) Nhtsa(National Highway Safety Administration) Nmfs(National Marine Fisheries Service) TTB(Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) Note* Other agencies are being tested as they are added to the CBP List.
Entry Processing
The entry will be created at the time of transmission of the Cargo processing. Duties and other fees will be automatically calculated.
Statement Processing
The daily statement will automatically be inserted on the first page. All the user has to do is transmit to pay the Duties and Fees due.


An inbond is a inbound shipment from any other country without the payment of duties. This shipments are just passing thru the United States. They still have to meet certain custom’s regulations. They also might have to meet other govt agencies requirements.
Shipment being Processed:
* IT(Immediate Transportation) * TE(Immediate Transportation and Exportation) * IE(Immediate Exportation)
Mode of Transportation:
* Air * Vessel * Truck

Importer Security Filing (ISF)

The Importer Security Filing (ISF), commonly known as the “10+2” initiative, is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation that requires importers and vessel operating carriers to provide advance shipment information to CBP for U.S.-bound ocean cargo. Isf must be filed no later than 24 hours before the shipment is loaded to the vessel. A confirmation is given so that the vessel can be loaded before departure to United States. Drawback, Reconciliation, & FTZ

Drawback, Reconciliation, & FTZ

Reconciliation is a process that allows an importer to revise certain elements of a summary entry that were indeterminable at the time the merchandise was entered. Type of Reconciliation: * Value * Harmonized Tariff Schedule * Classification * eligibility under (Nafta) When Reconciliation result in a claim for a refund interest will be done by Customs upon liquidation of the Reconciliation, on an entry by entry basis. For Nafta customs will calculate interest from the date of filing of the Reconciliation to the date it is liquidated. When Reconciliation result in additional money owed to Customs the filer calculates the Reconciliation interest due if the Reconciliation results in an increase in duties, taxes and fees. The amount will be paid at time of filing.

Global Business Identity (GBI)

According to the official US CBP website, The Global Business Identifier(GBI) initiative seeks to develop a single identifier solution
that will: improve U.S. government’s ability to pinpoint high-risk shipments and facilitate
legitimate trade; create a “common language” between government and industry; and improve data quality and efficiency for identification, enforcement, and risk assessment.

The GBI initiative was formed from the challenges associated with the Manufacturer/Shipper Identification Number (MID) and its lack of data quality, data richness, and uniqueness.

Learn more about GBI by visiting US CBP’s website

// what is IStrade?

Working with great ease. All the time.

No matter what device, we’ll transform your work saving you time and money while allowing you to focus on your business.

Still waiting for your broker number?

No worries, we will help you continue moving your business forward in showing you how our customs filing software handles everything from Vendor Master Files to Warehouse Inventory Management.

Our many years of experience has created a great partnership with US Customs allowing us access to resolve
any issues with immediate support.